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Drugs and Alcohol in the Workplace

HR Risk Forums: Drugs and alcohol in the workplace - prevention support and compliance

Time: 11:00 - 11:30 | FREE 

When: Thursday, 26th September '24

The UK will lose an estimated £6 billion in substance-abuse related sick days this year. The TUC claims that 60% of employers have had staff problems caused by drinking, and at least 27% have faced issues related to drug abuse, though the actual figures are likely higher due to the illegal nature of most drugs. With an estimated 1.5 million people addicted to over-the-counter drugs, UK employers must ensure their workplace drug and alcohol policies are fit for purpose in 2024.

Does your organisation have a drug and alcohol policy? 

Recent research showed an alarming number of organisations don’t have one, with training and education proving difficult in a fragmented and remote workplace. Red flags can go unnoticed, and often the issue goes unsupported.

This HR Risk Forum will examine what to look for and how to support employees, when discipline is necessary, and what legal imperatives should inform your policy. Expert speakers will outline the risks of not tackling the issue and what a robust policy looks like.

We are accepting questions before and during the broadcast. Please send your questions to

Which functions will benefit from attending

  • Human Resources, Health and Safety, Occupational Health and Safety, Employee Relations, Recruitment, Policy, Operations, Compliance, legal, and all line managers and directors with responsibility for their organisations policy and procedures in these areas.


Welcome and introduction

Elizabeth Smith

Elizabeth Smith

Director of Research
Business Forums International Ltd. (BFI)

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Elizabeth Smith

Director of Research , Business Forums International Ltd. (BFI)

Elizabeth is director of research and a founding co-director at Business Forums International. She is responsible for all programme content and writing, and researches current areas of interest for senior HR professionals in large organisations. BFI is the UK’s leading HR risk specialist conference and training provider, delivering key and timely information to over 3,000 delegates a year both through public and in-house training courses. Before founding BFI in 1996, Elizabeth specialised in researching corporate financial programmes in Asia and the Middle East, based in Dubai. She also worked in advertising and publishing in the Middle East and London. Elizabeth was educated in the West Indies, Saudi Arabia and Belgium before reading Modern Languages at Durham University. She is currently developing an online training course for line managers to raise awareness of menopause symptoms and ways that employers can work to make their workplaces more inclusive.

How workplace culture can change to tackle drug and alcohol misuse

  • What employers should be doing right 
  • Testing: who, why, when and how
  • The balance between work and private life

Key elements of an updated policy

End of webinar



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