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International Recruitment for UK Employers


Address your staff and skills shortages with this practical guide to global recruitment and immigration. Struggling to recruit? Brexit and Covid have left most UK employers are at their wits’ end, needing immediate and workable guidance on where to find workers. This unique briefing examines the feasibility, practical steps and potential pitfalls of overseas recruitment.

The programme content can be adapted to meet your specific organisational challenges and training needs. This half-day course can run at either 0930-1300 or 1300-1630. 

Learning Outcomes 

By the end of this programme, you will:

  • Understand the practical steps of finding the right workers for your industry and vacancy level
  • Become abreast of the most up-to-date immigration, visa, tax and sponsorship considerations
  • Optimising your onboarding and relocation processes to ensure retention
  • Hear industry-specific case studies and inside tips 

Course Overview 

The agenda below is used as a starting point for pre-course discussions with the trainer.

Understanding international recruitment: is it going to work for your organisation?

  • Post-Brexit and post-Covid recruitment landscape
  • Key elements of the decision process: vital issues to consider
  • Costs/feasibility/risk/potential pitfalls and protocols: elements of a workable plan
  • Understanding the mechanics of the process
  • A data-focussed analysis: where will your workers come from: markets, sectors and type of workers
  • Considerations for hard-to-fill positions
  • Dos and don’ts: job fairs, brain drain agreements and other considerations
  • Adapting your employer brand for an international talent pool: what to communicate and how?
  • What does your candidate need to make a decision? Lifestyle and relocation essentials
  • How and where to advertise
  • Proactive recruitment to put you ahead of the game

Essential legal considerations to ensure compliance avoid illegal working penalties

  • EU Settlement Scheme: employing existing and new EU/EEA and Switzerland employees
  • Skilled workers and intra-company transferees
  • Change of employment/secondments/termination/promotion/absences
  • What are the key UK work routes and immigration statuses?
  • Where to get updates to stay on top legally
  • Tax issues and spousal visas
  • Payroll implications
  • Risks and liabilities for employers
  • Eligibility and processing considerations
  • What are the steps to take and where do the challenges lie?
  • Understanding cost implications
  • What are the essentials of compliance?
  • GDPR
  • Reporting and record keeping
  • Checks and documents
  • Writing and communicating a workable policy
  • Ensuring your compliance is ongoing
  • Home Office audits
  • Case studies 

Industry-specific case study discussion and inside tips

  • Effective onboarding to ensure retention
  • Relocation essentials: what will your new employee need to know?
  • Exploring the idea of remote recruitment and team building and managing: brave new world?
  • Case studies: IT, health, academia, hospitality

Final questions and wrap-up

Delegate feedback

"Thank you for covering topics that are so relatable to the present day and for bringing light and shade to each of them. I am now equipped with some really useful takeaways that will help our organisation become better prepared in facing these challenges as we navigate our way through this recruitment crisis/revolution."

Make an in-house training enquiry 

Click here to fill in our enquiry form or to have a confidential discussion about your requirements, please contact Catherine Ouston our Head of In-house Training on 01983 861133 or email

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