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Immigration for Employers

Immigration for Employers - build confidence in your team and make sure your processes and policies are compliant.

As an employer in the UK, are you looking to supplement your workforce with overseas talent? The process can be complex and risky and it’s easy to fall foul of seemingly ever-changing rules and regulations.

Failure to do so can result in significant penalties, loss of workers, and damage to your reputation. Let us help you build confidence in your team and make sure your processes and policies are workable and compliant.

With over twenty years’ experience in this challenging area, we’ve trained thousands of large organisations to improve and manage their immigrant worker programmes, especially in the following areas:

  1. Home Office Regulations: Stay informed about the latest Home Office guidelines, including the Points Based System (PBS) and non-PBS routes.
  2. Understanding Requirements: Gain a comprehensive understanding of who can work in the UK and how they need to prove that right to you. Learn how to obtain an official Sponsor Licence and how to operate that license in a UKVI compliant manner.
  3. Document Verification: Navigate the complexities of authenticating documents, especially those that may be unfamiliar. Properly conducting these checks is essential to avoid fines and penalties.


Right to Work Checks & Document Verification

Non-UK Employee Visas and the Skilled Worker route

Employers’ guide to immigration & PBS

Preparing for a UKVI Compliance Check

A practical guide for an audit

How to Operate a Sponsor Licence

Best practice and compliance

How to Become a Skilled Worker Sponsor

Employing & Sponsoring Non-UK Staff

Introduction to Checking Right to Work (RTW)

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Booking training can be daunting but we’re here to help. Whether your team is large or small, and your delegates are beginners or experienced; we’ll make sure you get maximum return for your training investment.


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