Call to book: 01983 861133

Advanced Negotiations with Trade Unions


Negotiating with unions can go wrong; when it does, the cost to your organisation will be huge. Understanding the process, psychology and practicality of effective negotiations will have long-reaching benefits for workers and management alike. Industrial action, low staff morale, a disrupted workplace and negative corporate reputation can all be avoided.

Negotiation Training: Bargaining Skills for Senior Leaders

This crucial workshop has been designed using feedback from our delegates and industry expertise.

The course can be run either as a 1 or 2-day course.

What our delegates say about our In-house training courses:

“A much-needed course which will help in the future for dealing and negotiating with the business.”

“Very useful – some really good takeaways that when implemented will reduce risk”

“Good roleplay; it focussed my mind and I have new tactics to take away.”

Who will benefit from attendance:

Employee Relations, Senior Management Teams

Learning objectives and benefits of this negotiation training:

By the end of the programme you will:

  • Examine the core negotiation skills and identify their own development points
  • Identify the best tactics to use in the moment and be able to adapt them on-the-go
  • Understand their own strengths and weaknesses
  • Consider new approaches to negotiations based on the scenario and personalities involved
  • Be able to adapt their style and arguments to leverage their bargaining power
  • Establish and utilise the bargaining team to it’s best potential
  • Know how to deal with disputes
  • Move away from point-scoring to constructive dialogue
  • Learn tricks and tips for breaking deadlock
  • Move beyond percentage-focussed pay negotiations
  • Reduce the risk of industrial action
  • Improve employee confidence and trust in your organisation

Key training topics include:

  • Understand the essential negotiation skills
  • Know your Trade Unions – their strengths and weaknesses within your organisation
  • Know your competitors – what do they offer? How to you measure up as an employer?
  • Examine negotiation concepts and identify sources of bargaining power
  • The importance of negotiating as a team – not an individual
  • Role-plays:
    • Delegates will have the chance to put what they have learnt throughout the day into practice and develop their negotiation skills and approaches in this valuable training exercise.
    • Attendees will receive detailed feedback including lessons learnt from other examples and insight into how we can get tricky negotiations right.

All in-house training with BFI includes:

Pre-course team SWOT analysis; pre-course attendee engagement to ensure objectives and issues are addressed; trainer matched to your specific challenges; interactive and engaging course design to maximise learning outcomes; full course notes and supporting documentation; post-course analysis of team strengths and weaknesses; post-training three-month review and clinic

Make an in-house training enquiry

Click here to fill in our enquiry form or to have a confidential discussion about your requirements, please contact Catherine Ouston our Head of In-house Training on 01983 861133 or email

NEED SOME ADVICE? Book 15 minutes with our training consultant

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Booking training can be daunting but we’re here to help. Whether your team is large or small, and your delegates are beginners or experienced; we’ll make sure you get maximum return for your training investment.


Complete the form and our in-house training team will be in touch