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Neurodiversity in the Workplace


With the UK’s most diverse workplaces outperforming others, it is becoming obvious that a culture of acceptance and inclusivity can profit your organisation. As such, employers need to re-examine their diversity and inclusion policies and ensure they are up to speed with the Equality Act 2010. It is also essential that employers understand their specific obligations towards neurodiverse employees.

The programme content can be adapted to meet your specific organisational challenges and training needs. The course runs for approximately 6.5 hours and can be adapted for a briefing or half-day session. 

This training programme explains how you can design and embed an advantageous new ethos to support change and examines essential policies to counter discrimination.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the programme you will:

  • Be aware of the cost of discriminatory practices on the UK economy
  • Be aware of the impact of issues such as isolation and underrepresentation
  • Understand which terminology could be construed as offensive

Course Overview

An introduction to neurodiversity - what conditions are covered by the term ‘neurodiversity’; the differences between neurodiverse and neurotypical employees; how the different perspectives and skills of neurodiverse employees can benefit your organisation; are neurodiverse employees classified as disabled?

What specific challenges are neurodiverse workers in the workplace currently facing: challenging assumptions and generalisations; getting colleagues and employers to look beyond the label; asking for accommodations to be made and understood; no two neurodiverse people are the same; coping with the insensitivity and disrespect of colleagues; gaining respect for hidden disabilities. 

Why Neurodiversity inclusion matters to your business - why diversity is a business imperative, not a choice; the effects of discriminatory practices on the UK economy; how the UK’s most diverse workplaces consistently outperform others; promoting a culture of acceptance, support and inclusivity can profit your company; how diverse environments help employees maximise their potential

Affecting change through company culture – challenging organisational culture and bias; tackling underrepresentation and isolation in the workplace; changing preconceptions about neurodiverse people; office banter or microaggression; terminology - what could be construed as offensive?

Creating a neurodiversity policy that counts - policies and legislation versus practical realities; are you up to speed with The Equality Act 2010 and ‘protected characteristics’; what are the challenges for disabled pay gap reporting?

Empowering neurodiverse employees in your organisation - building inclusivity through shared purpose; effective strategies to recruit and retain neurodiverse employees; achieving fair representation for neurodiverse employees; optimising opportunities for neurodiverse employees; tackling bias around stereotypes; starting conversations around neurodiversity; how to ensure inclusivity in remote working.

Make an In-house Enquiry 

Click here to fill in our enquiry form or to have a confidential discussion about your requirements, please contact Catherine Ouston our Head of In-house Training on 01983 861133 or email


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