Call to book: 01983 861133

Diversity, Equality and Inclusion

Diversity, Equality and Inclusion in the Workplace 

Since 2008, we have been designing and delivering bespoke DEI training for the UK’s leading companies. We know that creating safe, equitable companies doesn’t happen overnight and we also recognise the bewildering array of training offered in this area, which is currently unregulated.

We are working with organisations whose C-suite are losing passion and commitment to DEI programmes and whose workforces have compassion fatigue or where there remain inequities. And we understand too, challenges of social inequality, neurodiverse workforces and the issues around workplace disabilities.

We approach the issue through a lens of compliance and professionalism. While we appreciate that lived experience has a valuable place, much of DEI training requires a specialist knowledge of the law, the ability to deliver and facilitate learning in sensitive areas, and the experience to remain fair and non-political in potentially contentious areas. We know our trainers well – they share our ethics and extremely high standards. Give us a call for a confidential discussion and let us help reinvigorate your DEI programme.

Disability in the Workplace

Neurodiversity in the Workplace

Race in the Workplace

LGBTQ+ in the Workplace

Women in the Workplace

NEED SOME ADVICE? Book 15 minutes with our training consultant

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Booking training can be daunting but we’re here to help. Whether your team is large or small, and your delegates are beginners or experienced; we’ll make sure you get maximum return for your training investment.


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