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90% of UK organisations still have no formal menopause policy

Am I alone in being shocked that 90% of UK organisations still have no formal menopause policy? Apart from the obvious lack of commitment to a truly diverse workforce, companies who’ve neglected to make provisions for this key demographic are on wobbly moral ground.

Menopause and Discrimination 

The recent overturning of the Rooney V Leicester Council ruling has had profound implications for employers; the area is contentious as there’s a precedent that menopause could be considered a disability.  It’s imperative you get your house in order to ensure you’re compliant under the Equality and Health & Safety Acts, as well as ACAS codes of practice.

Menopausal women are becoming increasingly likely to refer to menopause as part of grievances or claims procedures. The number of claims where menopause is cited as a feature is growing and this costly-time-consuming process can be avoided with a comprehensive menopause policy.

Experienced female workers are hacked off at not being properly catered for in the workplace. Menopausal symptoms, physical and emotional, can be debilitating, distressing and difficult to discuss, yet adjustments are easy, cost-effective and can make a profound difference to a woman’s working life.

Creating an open and supportive culture to prevent the loss of valuable female talent

Ensuring your workplace is welcoming to an ageing workforce is fundamentally part of a comprehensive inclusion policy, so ignoring such a talented demographic can backfire. Reputational risk aside, the current recruitment crisis highlights the need for employers to retain a senior female workforce with sensitive and properly communicated policy.

Menopause Training for Policy Makers, HR Professionals, Line Managers and Menopause Champions 

Train with us to gain insights; understand the essentials of a robust policy; learn practical techniques, and discover how easy those sensitive conversations can be

  • Course 1: Understanding Menopause Challenges in the Workplace – An interactive session for management and line managers on ‘Policy and Practice’
  • Course 2a: Becoming a Menopause Champion Workshop - A half-day course examining the issue of menopause in the workplace how Champions can make a real difference
  • Course 2b: Conversations for Menopause Champions – A relaxed, 2-hour round-table discussion to let new Champions put their learnings into practice

If you wish to have a conversation to discuss your organisations requirements, you can contact our Head of In-House Training, Catherine Ouston on 01983 861133 or email her at