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Announcing BFI's 12th Annual Employee Retention Conference

With a staggering 9.25 million people neither in work nor looking for work, the need for employers to retain employees is more crucial than ever. The loss of almost half a million further dropouts from the workforce will cause even more challenges for companies struggling to retain employees.

With almost three decades of experience behind us, we are delighted to announce the line up for this year’s conference which will tackle some of the tough issues and feature an unprecedented seven unique case studies.

Hear from: KPMG, Mount Anvil, British Society for Rheumatology, Frontier Electronics, Teneo, St. Austell Brewery, NHS, NielsenIQ, Strategic Wellbeing

Strategies to Reduce Attrition: Key insights from industry leaders

Organisations will share experience and valuable lessons learned across the range of employee retention. Attendees will hear how successful companies have decreased attrition through a range of innovative strategies, looking at how to overhaul:

  • Onboarding processes, especially with regard to retaining female and ethnic minority employees
  • What non-pay benefits are working today and what the non-financial options are now
  • The essentials of a workable succession strategy to engage and retain staff
  • The critical role your brand and culture play in retention and where you can make impactful changes right now
  • The elements of L&D strategies that will make a difference to your employees staying or quitting and how to select the best programmes
  • Your approach to workforce needs and wants, understanding what drives employees in 2024 and how to meet and exceed those expectations to minimise attrition
  • What the challenges of intergenerational teams are and the best ways to maximise similarities and understand how to overcome a lack of purpose and connection

There’ll also be crucial sessions on how to stem dehumanisation and the quiet quitting signs to look out for and avoid as well as the biggest HT compliance challenges for the next twelve months, what to prepare for and how these legal changes will impact your staff.

AI and Retention: Leveraging technology 

There’ll also be a session on how AI can be leveraged to stem resignations but predicting resignation patterns and some smart new approaches to adopt.

New for this year, we’ve also got four amazingly practical masterclasses which will deliver real-life responses to the challenges of:

  1. Hybrid teams and how they can lead to resignations if not properly managed
  2. The best benefits packages to maximise retention and what not to include
  3. Essential compliance and policy including free policy and checklist blueprints to help avoid possible tribunals
  4. A deep dive into AI and how to understand, predict and tackle head-on the reasons for quitting that you might not know about.


“Resignations are at an all-time high in the UK with some 26% of workers planning to leave their jobs in the next twelve months according a to a PwC workforce survey no employer can afford to be complacent. With the cost of replacing the average employee currently at around £30,000, employers are under huge pressure to reduce the attrition rate but the current approaches clearly aren’t working. This superb line-up offers fresh new approaches to this potentially catastrophic situation as well a delivering strategies that are proven to work.” Elizabeth Smith, Head of Research & Programming at BFI 

Register for our online retention conference