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Artificial Intelligence - the last ever solely human invention

AI is like the invention of steam. And it’s the last ever solely human invention. As powerful as nuclear technology and as dangerous.

So our speakers caught the attention of our two-thousand strong audience at the AI for HR webinar we produced recently. Not that anyone needed to be reminded what a seismic development AI is for mankind. But we were concentrating on how large organisations can harness some of this incredible potential for their HR functions. All the bitty, time-consuming jobs that can be outsourced to a robot, leaving the humans to concentrate efforts on the tasks we are good at. So the theory goes, anyway.

There’s a reason Italy initially banned the use of AI

With over 89% of organisations yet to write and implement an AI policy, there is a terrifying potential for disaster in using this largely untried technology. There’s a reason Italy initially banned the use of AI, right? We know what the brave new world looks like, but in reality we could be playing with fire and opening our companies up to all sorts of risks if we get it wrong. It’s not for nothing experts are referring to AI as the most profoundly consequential technology in the world today.

Recruitment bias is a potential risk when using AI

So why should HR professionals be losing sleep over this, as well as everything else they have to worry about? Well, recruitment bias is clearly a potential risk and may leave you vulnerable to discrimination claims – financially ruinous as well as reputationally a disaster.

The integration of AI into HR practices can transform the way organisations manage their workforce. AI's capabilities offer both significant benefits and potential drawbacks to the HR landscape. As technology continues to advance, understanding these pros and cons becomes crucial for organisations seeking to optimize their HR operations.


Efficiency and Automation:  Tasks such as CV screening, candidate sourcing, and initial communication with applicants can be handled efficiently by AI-powered systems. This allows HR professionals to focus on more strategic and value-added activities.

Enhanced Decision-Making: From predicting employee turnover to identifying skill gaps within the workforce, AI-driven analytics enable HR departments to make informed decisions that align with organisational goals.

Personalised Employee Experience: AI can facilitate a more personalised employee experience by tailoring learning and development programs to individual needs. By analysing employees' performance, preferences, and learning styles, AI can recommend relevant training modules and career paths, boosting engagement and retention.

Diversity and Inclusion: AI can help mitigate bias in the hiring process by standardising evaluations and reducing human bias. This can lead to more equitable hiring decisions, fostering diversity and inclusion within the organisation.

Employee Engagement: AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants can provide employees with instant access to information and support. This enhances employee engagement by addressing queries promptly and freeing up HR staff to focus on complex tasks.


Bias and Fairness Concerns: While AI aims to reduce bias, it can inadvertently inherit biases present in historical data. This can result in discriminatory outcomes during the hiring process, perpetuating existing inequalities.

Loss of Human Touch: The personal and empathetic aspect of HR can be compromised with the increased use of AI. Employees might feel disconnected if critical interactions are automated, affecting morale and job satisfaction.

Data Privacy and Security: The use of AI involves collecting and analysing vast amounts of employee data. Ensuring data privacy and protection becomes a challenge, as breaches could lead to sensitive information being exposed.

Lack of Contextual Understanding: AI may struggle to comprehend nuanced situations that require human judgment, such as delicate employee relations issues. This can result in inadequate solutions that fail to address the complexity of interpersonal dynamics.

Resistance to Adoption: Employees and HR professionals might resist AI implementation due to fear of job displacement and a perceived loss of control. Overcoming this resistance requires effective change management strategies.

Overreliance on Technology: Relying solely on AI can hinder the development of interpersonal skills among HR professionals. Effective communication, empathy, and negotiation abilities are essential in HR, and an overreliance on technology can undermine these skills.

In conclusion, the integration of AI in HR presents both benefits and drawbacks. Organisations stand to gain from increased efficiency, data-driven insights, and improved employee experiences. However, careful consideration is needed to address bias, data privacy, and the potential loss of human touch. Striking a balance between AI-driven processes and human intervention is key to harnessing the full potential of AI while preserving the essence of HR's core functions. As technology continues to evolve, HR departments must adapt thoughtfully to maximize the advantages while minimising the challenges posed by AI.

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