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The growing importance of menopause policy for employers

Menopause month is upon us again and my feeds are full of allies and network leaders and men promising to make the issue a new cause and employers insisting this is a key priority.  Yet still we are hearing from clients that even the most basic consultation and provisions are missing from too many workplaces.

And yet it really isn’t a difficult issue to resolve. Menopausal women are of the demographic that was indoctrinated with the desire not to make a fuss and to put others first. Luckily, this quasi-Victorian attitude is being usurped by the next generation or two who have no truck with this self-effacing nonsense.

Why menopause support is vital for retaining talent in your organisation

Early-onset menopause has added these women to the ranks of the menopausal, so we have fresh new attitudes to the challenges of workplace menopause provisions. At our recent FREE Workplace Menopause Forums 2 Webinar we’ve been looking at the medical, dietary and environmental reasons for early menopause  and the fact that male managers, either at home or at work, are being more exposed to menopause than previous generations. This perfect storm means no workplace has an excuse to sweep it under the carpet. And indeed, with post-Covid statistics showing senior women are voting with their feet, as well as making decisions on where to work that includes examining menopause policy and practice. So it behoves any organisation who needs to retain or recruit this talent to ensure their policy exists, is communicated and is updated and consulted on regularly.

Woman sues former employer for ‘menopause discrimination’ and wins

This week alone, one employer has paid £37,000 to a female menopausal employee who was exhorted to ‘get on with it’ while struggling with the very real physical and mental effects of the menopause. These tribunals are increasing in number as women no longer feel the need to put up with substandard care at work.

From awareness to action: implementing effective menopause policies in the workplace

As Menopause Month brings the issue to the forefront, it's crucial for organisations to recognise the importance of workplace provisions for menopausal women. By addressing this issue and taking action, businesses can enhance the well-being and productivity of their employees while avoiding legal complications.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to gain insights and guidance at the upcoming 6th Annual Workplace Menopause Summit on the 7th December 2023. 

Menopause in the workplace in-house training for your teams 

These thoroughly-researched programmes give your organisation the tools and legal framework to formulate your own policy and help facilitate open conversations around menopause in the workplace.