How to Become a Sponsor: Employing Non-UK Staff
Are you thinking of recruiting overseas staff and looking to sponsor and employ migrant and non-UK workers?
Time: 0930 -1300
Price: £250 + VAT per attendee
- Wednesday, 6th December '23
Are you looking to recruit overseas and open up the talent pool available to you and your organisation? Many organisations are and want to understand how to go about it and what's involved in applying to the Home Office for a sponsorship licence.
This new half-day online workshop led by our immigration expert Antonia Randall-Brandwood, explains what's involved, the benefits and also the legal, compliance and cost issues you need to consider and weigh up before applying.
Who is this immigration workshop for?
Developed specifically for busy HR, recruitment and resourcing professionals this interactive course will provide a comprehensive overview of what's involved, as well as addressing your questions and providing a straightforward blueprint to ensure you understand both the benefits and responsibilities of becoming a sponsor.
This immigration course will cover:
- A background into the Points Based System (PBS) post-Brexit
- The different sponsorship routes open to your organisation
- The legal and compliance issues to consider
- Everything you need to know before applying for a licence
- Financial implications to your organisation of becoming a sponsor
Delegate Feedback
"The trainer was very knowledgeable and was able to answer all questions. She made it easier to understand this complex topic" - Anthony Nolan
"Very informative. Was a brilliant walkthrough of how to become a sponsor for someone who has no knowledge. Great to get tips on how to navigate the government website too with handy links!" - Havfram Limited
"Very clear guidance and slides which highlight key responsibilities and areas of concern to lookout for." - Dumfries and Galloway College
Zoom - An encrypted zoom platform with password access. Click here for further information and to test access
Prefer to run this course In-house?
We offer this course as a face-to-face or online In-house training option for groups of 5 or more – a cost effective training solution for teams, if this would be more suitable, please email me at for more details.
Which functions will benefit from attending
Welcome, objectives and scene-setting

Elizabeth Smith
Director of Research , Business Forums International Ltd. (BFI)
Elizabeth is director of research and a founding co-director at Business Forums International. She is responsible for all programme content and writing, and researches current areas of interest for senior HR professionals in large organisations. BFI is the UK’s leading HR risk specialist conference and training provider, delivering key and timely information to over 3,000 delegates a year both through public and in-house training courses. Before founding BFI in 1996, Elizabeth specialised in researching corporate financial programmes in Asia and the Middle East, based in Dubai. She also worked in advertising and publishing in the Middle East and London. Elizabeth was educated in the West Indies, Saudi Arabia and Belgium before reading Modern Languages at Durham University. She is currently developing an online training course for line managers to raise awareness of menopause symptoms and ways that employers can work to make their workplaces more inclusive.
Understanding sponsor license and skilled worker visas

Antonia Randall-Brandwood
Director, RB Immigration
Antonia has worked in Immigration law for 11 years, establishing a wide practise area. After being called to the bar in 2010 she worked for the Home Office as a complex caseworker and presenting officer, specialising in asylum. In 2017 she established an OISC regulated firm, RB Immigration, which provides advice in all areas of Immigration. She is accredited at OISC level 3 and as an IAAS senior caseworker. Prior to specialising in Immigration law Antonia worked in a criminal law. More recently she worked in house at Harrison Clark Rickerbys Solicitors as an immigration adviser, focusing on private client and points-based work. Antonia has provided one to one tuition for law students since 2011 and has developed a training manual for level 1 and 2 OISC training courses. She is a skilled trainer with a passionate and fluid style.
- Post-Brexit and post-pandemic recruitment landscape
- EU Settlement Scheme: employing existing and new EU/EEA and Switzerland employees
- Skilled workers and intra-company transferees
- Change of employment/secondments/termination/promotion/absences
- What are the key UK work routes and immigration statuses?
- New PBS: what has changed and how do you ensure you are compliant?
- What are the current visa options and how to choose the right one
Coffee break
A comprehensive blueprint and checklist to cover - part I
- Understanding the sponsorship process and cost implications
- What are the essentials of compliance?
- RTW checks
- Assigning key roles: duties and training
- Onboarding: key points to consider
- Updating information
- GDPR and compliance: record-keeping and reporting updates
- Renewing your licence
- Checks and documents
Q&A and discussion
Coffee break
A comprehensive blueprint and checklist to cover - part II
- Writing and communicating a workable policy
- Ensuring your compliance is ongoing
- Home Office audits
- Case studies
- Risks and liabilities for employers
- Eligibility and processing considerations
- What are the steps to take and where do the challenges lie?