AI Risk Mitigation for Employers (#04)
HR Risk Forums - A FREE webinar series providing essential updates for employers
These half-hour conversational webinars fuse our research and top-class address books to offer unparalleled expertise and insight on key areas of HR risk.
Time: 11:00 - 11:30 | FREE
When: Thursday, 22nd February 2024
Ahead of our AI Risk, Policy & Compliance for Employers Conference this thirty minute webinar highlights the latest developments, legislation and risks for HR.
With AI increasingly dominating the headlines, we speak to expert Dhiren Masters for an update on crucial areas of compliance, policy, and governance.
This session looks at:
- A briefing on the latest AI developments
- AI legislation, timelines and predictions - keeping abreast of regulatory developments
- The risks to consider when harnessing this new technology safely and effectively within your organisation
We are accepting questions before and during the broadcast. Please send your questions to
Need more in-depth support, register for our upcoming conference: AI Risk Mitigation, Policy & Compliance for Employers, 02/05/2024
Want to run a course in-house? We can tailor any of our events to run in-house for your organisation, find out more here
Which functions will benefit from attending
- Senior representatives from the following functions: Compliance, audit, risk IT, HR, ethics, AI, privacy, legal.
Hear from

Welcome and introduction

Elizabeth Smith
Director of Research , Business Forums International Ltd. (BFI)
Elizabeth is director of research and a founding co-director at Business Forums International. She is responsible for all programme content and writing, and researches current areas of interest for senior HR professionals in large organisations. BFI is the UK’s leading HR risk specialist conference and training provider, delivering key and timely information to over 3,000 delegates a year both through public and in-house training courses. Before founding BFI in 1996, Elizabeth specialised in researching corporate financial programmes in Asia and the Middle East, based in Dubai. She also worked in advertising and publishing in the Middle East and London. Elizabeth was educated in the West Indies, Saudi Arabia and Belgium before reading Modern Languages at Durham University. She is currently developing an online training course for line managers to raise awareness of menopause symptoms and ways that employers can work to make their workplaces more inclusive.
A briefing on crucial areas of compliance, policy, and governance

Dhiren Master
Founder , HRClarity.AI
Dhiren Master was born in Kenya, Nairobi, grew up in England, graduated from Cambridge University with a degree in Engineering, and an MBA from INSEAD. Since then he has set up a number of his own businesses as well as working for corporates, focused on turnarounds, acquisitions, and start-ups in a diverse number of industries. He has lived and worked in over 11 countries across 5 continents. He is currently founder and owner of HRClarity.Ai, a revolutionary patent pending analytic software that predicts when people are likely to leave, D&I trends, who are likely to be strong and weak line managers, as well as optimising total reward. He holds 4 international patents, a B2C and 3 B2B marketing awards from his time as Marketing Director at Kwik Fit and Global CMO at Salary Finance (a fintech). He started his career as a Research Engineer with GEC, then went onto become a Strategy Consultant with OC&C and Monitor, before becoming Head of Strategy Worldwide for BG Group Plc. He then went on to be CEO of BG Broadband India setting up the first foreign owned optical fibre broadband network in India. After which as CEO of Thermablade Inc, Canada, he developed the world’s first heated ice hockey skate blade. He then went on to invent a new cooking technique to cook paleo food quickly over charcoal. He has served as a founder, Director and Chairman of a number of not-for-profit organisations in the UK and Canada: Find The Time, Prayer Canada, Children’s Camps International, and Opportunity International. He is an author, budding triathlete, loves to read, sketch and sing karaoke."