Introduction to Checking Right to Work (RTW)
Do your staff need an introduction to Right to Work (RTW) checks?
Time: 0930 -1300 (half-day)
Price: £250 + VAT per attendee
- Thursday 7th September
A comprehensive immigration course for those new-to-the-role and line managers wanting to upskill
Staff and recruitment challenges have left many HR professionals feeling out of their depth or in dire need of reskilling. To meet this need, we have designed a comprehensive, no-jargon introduction to checking RTW: everything you need to know but had no idea where to go.
There have recently been a bewildering number of changes to the RTW checking process, as a result, many employers are now unsure of the process and how to ensure they are fully compliant.
Civil Penalties tripled for illegal working
The minster for immigration has raised the civil penalty for employing someone illegally to £45,000 per worker, up from £15,000. Repeat breaches could now attract a fine of up to £60,000, up from £20,000. Carrying out Right to Work Checks correctly will protect your organisation from fines and reputational damage.
Have you checked the legal working status of all your employees?
All employers are legally obliged to check Right to Work status for potential employees and have a responsibility to prevent illegal working. Illegal working impacts negatively on lawful wages and is linked to organised crime, tax evasion and modern slavery. Failure to comply can result in potential invalidation of insurance, criminal prosecution, revocation of sponsorship licenses and irreparable reputational damage.
Why train with us
Drawing on our decades of experience and feedback from our delegates and trainers, this information-packed three-hour update is a perfect solution to ensure your staff feel confident to tackle the potentially confusing process of RTW checking.
100% of our delegates would recommend this course and 98% leaving a five-star review.
Delegate feedback
"Really useful to me as a newcomer to RTW checking. Engaging and absorbing - the time flew by!" - Bennamann
"Really useful overview, especially about little known quirks of right to work checks and helpful practical advice"
"Really informative and it was all really clear information"
"Very detailed, and well-spoken to the point where all information was explained thoroughly"
"Really helpful to have practical guidance of what to do in the workplace"
"The trainer was very clear and direct, answered all of the questions and was very helpful and polite throughout"
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Prefer to run this course In-house?
We can tailor any of our events to run in-house for your organisation for groups of 5 or more people. Explore over 30 bespoke In-house training courses here. Or make an initial enquiry by filling out this form.
Which functions will benefit from attending
Welcome, objectives and ice-breaker

Guy Otty
Managing Director , Business Forums International Ltd. (BFI)
Following a successful career in media sales and financial recruitment, Guy started Business Forums International Ltd. over 25 years ago with his co-director Elizabeth Smith. Drawing on his extensive international experience in headhunting and senior recruitment, he is enviably placed to predict and respond to key HR challenges, from the 2006 pandemic to Brexit and beyond. Under his leadership, the company has become a leading HR and business management conference and training company looking to address the latest issues and concerns facing organisations.
Legal updates and basics: Key immigration law updates, GDPR

Simon Kenny
Partner - Immigration & Global Mobility , Spencer West LLP
Simon is an immigration lawyer who helps with individual immigration applications, permission to work, illegal working penalties and sponsor licence suspension. He specialises in Skilled Worker and sponsor licence applications, right-to-work processes and defences to civil penalties. He also has significant experience in managing global immigration programmes and post-Brexit immigration compliance in respect of business travellers working across the EEA. Simon has specific expertise in working with institutions and individuals in the higher education sector. He has worked with universities on preparation for audit, right-to-work processes, defence to civil penalties and reviewing Certificates of Sponsorship for employees. Helpline services to both HR teams and individual employees of universities have been a major part of Simon’s recent career. He also helps academic staff make applications within the Global Talent programme. Simon has been listed as one of the UK’s leading practitioners in every edition of the Legal 500 since 2015. He was individually commended in the Financial Times Innovative Lawyers Europe Awards in 2019 for research and analysis conducted following a Freedom of Information Act request regarding Certificate of Sponsorship allocations. This featured as a headline news story across numerous national newspapers. Simon was an immigration officer for several years and, after becoming a solicitor, an immigration manager in Big 4 professional services companies. That provided him with a focus on achieving the best outcomes for clients with reference to wider global mobility issues and creativity in finding solutions which work. This experience informs his immigration advice and helps ensure other legal issues related to immigration are identified at an early stage in considering an assignment.
- Understanding application routes
- The basics: checking, documents, FAQs, visa categories, what must be checked and when, checking in-person versus remotely
- GDPR essentials to ensure compliance
- Induction and onboarding: what has changed recently?
- Defining roles and responsibilities
Coffee break
What does a compliant policy look like?
- Remote managers: what can go wrong and what needs to be in a robust policy?
- Record keeping essentials and consequences
- Document verification: checking and potential consequences
- Outsourcing employment checks: pros and cons
Coffee break
The practicalities
15-minute interactive exercise
- What are the potential risks to your organisation and how to minimise them
- Potential D&I implications
- Security considerations
- Resources and support
Q&A and wrap-up
End of course
Contact us to book or discuss our events & services
01983 861133