Wellbeing Director, Louise Aston
Louise is an award-winning, high-profile ambassador for health and wellbeing with a proven track record as an outstanding campaigner in both the private and public sectors. Operating at board level, a skilled influencer, with a demonstrable track record of creating and delivering business case led and people focused solutions.
Pioneered ground-breaking resources that actively tackle the stigma that surrounds mental health, including the challenging topics of suicide, domestic abuse and sleep and recovery.
Excellent interpersonal skills, creative, passionate campaigner and in demand, high profile public speaker. She has established wellbeing as a core responsible business component and a strategic boardroom issue. Experience of collaborative working with complex stakeholders, including business, government, charities, professional bodies and third sector organisations, towards a common purpose.
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Connect with Louise
Delegate feedback Women in the Workplace Summit
“Very engaging” - Concorde BGW
“That was BRILLIANT! Thank you, Louise” – Mohamed Patel
Delegate feedback Cost of Living Crisis
“The best for me. Great insights into the impacts of financial stress on mental health, the importance of confident managers to have conversations and signpost for help”
“Gave clear actions on what an employer can do to support”
“Again, enjoyed the session especially the part surrounding financial wellbeing policies”