Covid-19 Adapting Your Workplace for a Safe Reopening Online Conference
3.5 hours
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Cost: £95 + VAT
The event was recorded live on Friday 29th May 2020. BFI will send you the link to watch the recording along with all handouts and resources.
Returning your workforce will be a challenge for all employers; learn how to plan, communicate and manage each stage to minimise disruption and establish your new normal
A comprehensive virtual half-day interactive conference that combines the necessary medical, HR, risk mitigation, legal and operational elements into a robust management plan. In-depth expert presentations feature dedicated sessions to address delegate questions, challenges and concerns. Full resources, including downloads, handouts and reference material will be provided.
Why is this important?
Employers who hope to return to pre-Covid workplaces will struggle; the workplace policy, layout and practice will need to change drastically in response to the pandemic. How do you lay out desks and manage social policies and interaction? What physical safety additions need to be incorporated? How do you communicate to and reassure your staff that their safety is paramount?
We will be looking at key areas and stages that employers must consider when they plan their re-opening post-lockdown to ensure their business survives, as well as well-being safe for staff and customers.
An expert line-up will be examining key areas, delivering practical advice, vital strategy and key insight into best practise, what steps to take when and how best to communicate with key stakeholders. You'll have an unparalleled opportunity to put your questions directly to the specialists, as well as take part in an interactive debate to maximise your learning and networking opportunities.
UK business will need time and expert guidance to recover and resuming business as usual is some time off; led by top practitioners, this essential webinar will ensure your organisation is not left behind.
Feedback from our 21st Pandemic Planning Conference, March 2020:
"Lots of practical takeaways and invaluable advice. Excellent Day" - Head of Thought Leadership, BCI
"Interesting and relevant. If still a lot of unknowns" - Head of Health and Safety, Muller UK and Ireland LLP
"Very interesting, well-qualified speakers" - UK Business Continuity Manager, Telefonica
"Good flow from different areas of expertise" - Group Safety Director, FirstGroup PLC
"Good speakers, good content, very useful at this time either now or to stop what we do" - EHS Advisor, Lucozade Ribena Suntory
"Excellent speakers, well-run event" - Crisis Simulation Director, YUDU Sentinel
"Very credible and useful advice." - Business Manager, Hampshire Trust Bank
Which functions will benefit from attending
- HR, Health and Safety, Business Continuity Planning, Occupational Health, Contingency and Business Continuity Planning, Recruitment, Resourcing, Legal & Compliance, Line Management, Employee Relations, Security, Risk, Compliance, Strategy, Operations, and all directors and staff with responsibilities within this area.
Hear from

Welcome and introduction

Elizabeth Smith
Director of Research , Business Forums International Ltd. (BFI)
Elizabeth is director of research and a founding co-director at Business Forums International. She is responsible for all programme content and writing, and researches current areas of interest for senior HR professionals in large organisations. BFI is the UK’s leading HR risk specialist conference and training provider, delivering key and timely information to over 3,000 delegates a year both through public and in-house training courses. Before founding BFI in 1996, Elizabeth specialised in researching corporate financial programmes in Asia and the Middle East, based in Dubai. She also worked in advertising and publishing in the Middle East and London. Elizabeth was educated in the West Indies, Saudi Arabia and Belgium before reading Modern Languages at Durham University. She is currently developing an online training course for line managers to raise awareness of menopause symptoms and ways that employers can work to make their workplaces more inclusive.
Welcome and rules of engagement: chat, networking, interaction, Q&A
Legal update: key areas of concern for employers

Fudia Smartt
Partner – Employment Law , Spencer West LLP
Fudia Smartt is a Partner at Spencer West LLP. She joined the firm in September 2019, having previously been Partner at a boutique employment practice in Chancery Lane. Her previous work experience includes practising in highly regarded employment teams at both Russell Cooke LLP (a top 100 London firm) and City firm Fox Williams LLP. Covering every stage of the employment life cycle, Fudia advises on non-contentious and contentious matters for both employers and employees on topics such as bullying, harassment (including sexual harassment), unfair and wrongful dismissal, restrictive covenants, discrimination, whistleblowing, maternity and other family-friendly matters. She has experience across a wide range of sectors, with particular expertise in technology, media, financial services and professional services. Fudia has significant experience in the following: Advising on day to day HR operational issues, which includes on how to avoid grievances and disciplinary/dismissal issues; Senior executive appointments and departures (which often include regulatory issues); Bringing and defending complex discrimination and whistleblowing claims in the employment tribunals; Advising employers and employees (as well as partners) on the enforceability of restrictive covenants and confidentiality agreements, including in relation to team moves; Drafting contracts of employment, service agreements and HR policies; Advising companies on restructuring exercises, redundancies (including collective redundancies) and employment issues arising from insolvency; Advising on TUPE-related matters including in relation to outsourcing and property transactions; Advising both employers and employees on data protection issues; Advising business start-ups in a wide range of industries on how to protect and grow their businesses at a reasonable cost; Providing HR advice and tailored training to clients and external bodies on all employment law matters, from recruitment to dismissal and beyond; Advising members on joining LLPs; and Drafting, negotiating and advising on settlement agreements. She has acted on a number of high profile (and commercially sensitive) matters which has resulted in six-figure settlements for her clients. She has also acted on matters in the County Court, High Courts, Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) and Court of Appeal. Fudia is praised by her clients for her creative problem-solving skills and her ability to provide commercial, tailored legal advice in a friendly and empathetic manner. She has a high emotional intelligence which she uses to assist with getting the results her clients want. Fudia is a member of the Employment Lawyers Association.
- Analysis of the latest guidance
- What are the critical elements to consider?
- 'Actively encourage': suggestion or instruction?
- Avoiding potential disciplinary action, whistle-blowing and unfair dismissal: policy and practice issues
- A checklist for HR
FM considerations for the reoccupation of offices post lockdown

Ruth Chisnall
Facilities Management Consultant , Neller Davies
A Workplace & Facilities Management professional with over 20 years experience across all sectors spanning both private and public arenas. Delivering strategic solutions across the facilities & workplace disciplines including: procurement, tender management, change management, interim management, project management, supply chain management, in-sourcing, out-sourcing.
- The future of the workplace
- The human factor
- FM perspectives on workplace reoccupation
Expert live Q&A
An unmissable chance to put your biggest concerns live to the experts. Interactive formula ensures the experts can see all delegate questions and will be addressing them live.
Testing: what do you need to know now and in future?
Tech and app developments: essential information for employers, including privacy and data issues
Working with Trade Unions and avoiding conflict

Derek Luckhurst
Training and Development Director , IPA
Derek Luckhurst has been the Training & Development Director of the IPA (Involvement And Participation Association) since December 2000 responsible for consultancy services. Previously he was the Manufacturing, Science And Finance Union’s National Secretary for Legal & General since 1996. He was instrumental in the establishment of a breakthrough partnership agreement, which was signed at L&G in 1997. At IPA he has developed partnership workshops for the Inland Revenue, the Audit Commission, Royal Fleet Auxiliary, Aintree NHS Trust, Bolton NHS Trust and Santander. In conjunction with the workshop, he has written a partnership induction programme specifically tailored for people working on partnership initiatives. He is the author of “A Practitioner’s Guide To Sustaining Industrial Partnership” published by the IPA with DTI support in 2004, updated and re-published in 2011. He also wrote a Staff Representatives’ Handbook, which has been commissioned by Sanctuary Housing, Halfords, BP, Coral Racing and Avon Cosmetics. He has worked with many organisations helping them with employee relations including United Welsh Housing Association, Steria, Standard Life, Santander, Norwich Union, Royal College Of Surgeons, The General Medical Council, The Prince’s Trust, Egg, Blue Arrow, Royal National Institute For Deaf People, Bank Of Ireland UK Financial Services, The Independent Police Complaints Commission, The Healthcare Commission, Avon Cosmetics, The Royal Fleet Auxiliary, The National Asthma Campaign, National Grid, Peabody Trust, British Bakeries, The Employers Organisation, Pizza Express, The Communication Workers Union, The Post Office, De La Rue Cash Systems, Peabody Housing, Corps of Commissionaires, The Cancer Research Campaign, South East Water, Inland Revenue, Eurotunnel, Siemens, Pfizer, Terrence Higgins Trust, Electoral Reform Services, Opportunity Links, Kelloggs, the CBI, Skandia, AOL Broadband, Vodafone, Kimberley Clark and BP, Pearson, City & Guilds and HCL. Derek has also introduced the option-based consultation model for the effective involvement of the representatives of employees, be they union or non-union in identifying opinions and influencing the decision making process at a strategic level within organisations. Described by Keith Sisson, Emeritus Professor of Industrial Relations at Warwick Business School as a ‘landmark in UK industrial relations’, Derek has been busy training managers and employee representatives in option-based consultation in organisations like the Healthcare Commission, Standard Life, Bank Of Ireland, United Welsh Housing and many others. Derek leads the IPA’s influential Best Practice Network and, with them, developed the “15 Strategic Questions” that have proved popular with representatives and senior managers alike. He is also the author of “The 5 Key Steps To Employee Engagement”, published in 2007, which explores the unique role representatives can play in ensuring staff lose the cynicism that blocks engagement. He was a key player in developing a framework for flexible working in Legal & General and was responsible for the training of both managers and union representatives in how the concept should work in practice. A new anti-harassment and bullying procedure was established during his term of office together with improved grievance and disciplinary processes.
- Communication – essential elements of an effective conversation
- Ensuring your plan covers the predictable - and everything else
- Maximising the cooperation: strategies for ensuring your employees feel a valued part of the returning to work process
- Key union communications: what, where, when and whom?
- Sharing the dilemma: best practice in employee engagement and commitment
Case study: conducting a risk assessment in a challenging industry

Emma Hill
Group Head of Food, Health, Safety & Environment , CH&CO
Emma Hill is the Group Head of Food, Health, Safety & Environment for CH&CO, the independent catering business that creates uplifting food and hospitality experiences across many locations, including workplaces, destinations, venues, events, education, livery and healthcare.
- Conducting an effective RA: what are the essential elements to make your workplace comprehensively secure?
- Engaging employees: key areas to communicate
- Becoming a Covid-19 secure workplace
Health & Safety Imperatives: working safely during and after the pandemic

Dr Anthony Renshaw
Medical Director, Health Consulting - Europe , International SOS
Dr Anthony Renshaw provides medical advisory to numerous global organisations across the academic, resources, infrastructure, manufacturing, government and professional services sectors. He has expertise in emergency response and managing public health crises, including pandemic planning for multiple leading organisations. Since joining International SOS in 2008, Anthony has overseen healthcare delivery and consulting platforms across China, Mongolia, Sakhalin, Korea and Japan; led community health programs in the Pacific; run remote health services across Australia; and worked in correctional services and defence. He has consulted widely across Africa, Europe and Asia-Pacific focusing on global health security, occupational health and emergency planning. He has a keen interest in the interplay between global health and the private sector. Prior to joining the company he was a surgeon in the UK and South Africa. Anthony is a Member of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and a Fellow of both the Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management and the Royal Society for Public Health. He holds a doctorate in surgery from UCL and an MBA from INSEAD. He read medicine at the University of Manchester, where he also holds degrees in immunology and oncology.