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HR Practitioner - Branwyn Darlington 

Branwyn has worked at Wismettac Harro Foods for 15 years, each of which has been a ‘transition year’ as the company grows and evolves. Wismettac Harro Foods is a Japanese food wholesaler and distributor, which has given the company ‘essential business’ status during the COVID-19 pandemic. As HR Manager, Branwyn has led the COVID Response Team at WHF, changing and adapting while new information and government guidance has been introduced throughout the pandemic. WHF has been operating a hybrid system since before the term was widely adopted, since many employees cannot work from home. Branwyn tries to lead by example, even wearing a mask during video calls when she is the only person in the meeting room.

Speaking at: 

Delegate feedback:

"Brilliant, of course."

"Although my organisation (law enforcement) is very different, some of the experiences, attitudes and cultural challenges resonated.  It was good to hear of their experiences and to understand their challenges."

Connect with Branwyn 


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