FREE Covid-19 Employer Webinar: What to do This Week - 11th June 2020 (#12)
Online TrainingAbout the series
A FREE weekly information-packed live discussion featuring an expert panel addressing the concerns that you have identified for us since the Covid-19 crisis unfolded. Employers are reeling at the speed and severity of the unfolding global health crisis and are struggling to manage employees’ fear and concerns as well as help them quickly establish brand-new ways of working and living.
As part of our business pandemic planning series, which has run since 2006, this weekly webinar will give you real answers and workable strategies. A highly experienced speaker panel will be handpicked each week to share lessons learned from previous pandemics and crises and examine the specific challenges of Covid-19.
The discussion will last for thirty minutes followed by a thirty-minute Q&A or knowledge-sharing session - we are accepting questions before and during the broadcast. Please send your questions to
About this webinar
Week 12 - Return to work toolkits for employers
This week we look at the medium-term issues employers should be considering:
- the importance and best ways of debriefing your crisis groups and how best to implement lessons learned
- a case study on re-validating plans and seizing opportunities in the new normal
- pay, rewards and benefit packages post-Covid: ensuring your organisation is sending the right messages
- what lessons can we learn from workplace mental health initiatives in the US?
As ever, do email with any issues you would like to be addressed.
Drawing on our almost two decades' worth of pandemic planning and management expertise, we are delighted to offer these free weekly senior HR webinars as part of the #KeepBritainWorking initiative.
(You can find our full list of past and future conferences, workshops and webinars on our website: We are currently developing all of our training in a digital format)
Which functions will benefit from attending
- HR, Health and Safety, Business Continuity Planning, Occupational Health, Contingency and Business Continuity Planning, Recruitment, Resourcing, Legal & Compliance, Line Management, Employee Relations, Security, Risk, Compliance, Strategy, Operations, and all directors and staff with responsibilities within this area.
Hear from

The importance and best ways of debriefing your crisis groups and how best to implement lessons learned - a case study on re-validating plans and seizing opportunities in the new normal

Mark Harris
Independent Crisis Management & Communications Expert
Over the last 24 years, Mark has worked at the forefront of crisis management and communications internationally and held senior positions with leading consultancies such Control Risks, and Burson-Marsteller. Mark has worked on over 150 incidents of kidnapping, extortion, and hostage taking around the world, and 19 cases of vessel hijack. He has also advised numerous companies as they have prepared to restructure, close facilities, or transfer operations to other countries. Mark regularly presents at conferences and is often invited to comment on news stories on a regular basis by news channels such as the BBC, ITN, Channel 4, CNN, NBC, and Al Jazeera.
Pay, rewards and benefit packages post-Covid: ensuring your organisation is sending the right messages

Duncan Brown
Principal Associate at IES & Visiting Professor , University of Greenwich
Duncan has 30 years’ experience working in major HR consultancies and employment institutes, including Willis Towers Watson and IES. He also spent five years as the deputy CEO at CIPD. His clients have included National Grid, the Cabinet Office, the Department of Health, Unicef UK and the Fairtrade Foundation. He has carried out major reviews for the government of the pay determination methodologies for groups including doctors and dentists and the judiciary. He has been on expert panels on topics including employee engagement, fair pay and pensions; and he inputted extensively on the gender pay reporting proposals. He was also a member of the research team that have carried out the gender pay gap in medicine review. Earlier this year, he was confirmed in the top ten HR Most Influential Thinkers list produce by Human Resources magazine.
What lessons can we learn from workplace mental health initiatives in the US?

Chris Dyer
Speaker and consultant, author and CEO , PeopleG2
Discussion and Q&A
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