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8th Annual IR35 Conference - A Crucial Update

Danubius Hotel Regents Park , 18 Lodge Road, St. John's Wood, London NW8 7JT

A comprehensive guide to off-payroll working rules (IR35) for employers in 2025

Time: 09:00 - 16:30
Cost per attendee: £450 + VAT

Attending this unique conference will equip HR and payroll professionals with the latest legal updates and practical strategies to ensure compliance and protect your organisation from potential risks. You’ll benefit from valuable insights through real-life case studies and direct interactions with industry experts, learning innovative strategies to manage contingent and freelance talent effectively.

Learning highlights include:

  • Stay Compliant: Get the latest updates on IR35 and off-payroll regulations.
  • Protect Workers: Understand IR35 changes affecting umbrella companies and self-employed workers.
  • Manage Talent: Learn smart solutions for engaging contingent talent under IR35.
  • Navigate Legalities: Overcome IR35 challenges in the temporary labour market.
  • Learn from Case Studies: Gain insights from IR35 reviews in public and private sectors.
  • Hear from Labour: Understand Labour's approach to IR35 and the freelance market.
  • Network: Connect with experts and peers to share IR35 solutions.


“Excellent speakers.”

“Comprehensive and useful information presented throughout the day.”

100% of the feedback received for past IR35 events has been rated 'Excellent' or 'Good'.

Which functions will benefit from attending

  • HR, Resourcing, Recruitment, Payroll, Tax, Finance, Compensation & Benefits, Administration, Talent, Legal, Audit & Compliance, Line Management, Employment Policy, Operations, Strategy, Training and those with oversight, involvement and responsibilities within this area.

Hear from


Chair’s welcome and opening remarks

Elizabeth Smith

Elizabeth Smith

Director of Research
Business Forums International Ltd. (BFI)

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Elizabeth Smith

Director of Research , Business Forums International Ltd. (BFI)

Elizabeth is director of research and a founding co-director at Business Forums International. She is responsible for all programme content and writing, and researches current areas of interest for senior HR professionals in large organisations. BFI is the UK’s leading HR risk specialist conference and training provider, delivering key and timely information to over 3,000 delegates a year both through public and in-house training courses. Before founding BFI in 1996, Elizabeth specialised in researching corporate financial programmes in Asia and the Middle East, based in Dubai. She also worked in advertising and publishing in the Middle East and London. Elizabeth was educated in the West Indies, Saudi Arabia and Belgium before reading Modern Languages at Durham University. She is currently developing an online training course for line managers to raise awareness of menopause symptoms and ways that employers can work to make their workplaces more inclusive.

Opening address: How UK organisations can best respond to the new administration

Philip Ross BA (Hons) CEng CITP

Philip Ross BA (Hons) CEng CITP

Vice Chair
Labour Business

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Philip Ross BA (Hons) CEng CITP

Vice Chair , Labour Business

Philip is a leading campaigner in the freelancing movement. He was one of the founding members of the Association of Independent Professionals and the Self Employed (IPSE) in 1999 and served on its first board as External Affairs Director. He speaks and writes on IR35, the off-payroll regulations and on co-operatives and freelancing. He is one of the leading activists in the Labour Party for the self-employed , is active with Community Union and is vice-chair of Labour Business. He works as a freelancer delivering digital transformation and cyber projects.

  • Understanding the potential changes to umbrella companies, zero hours contracts and off-payroll
  • What protections can self-employed workers expect?
  • How can UK business ensure they are being heard: key channels of communication and ways to collaborate?               

Legal update for employers: essentials and timelines

Matt Fryer

Matt Fryer

Managing Director
Brookson Legal

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Matt Fryer

Managing Director , Brookson Legal

Matt Fryer is the Managing Director of Brookson Legal, the only SRA-regulated law firm dedicated exclusively to IR35 and off-payroll compliance. With over two decades of experience in tax, employment law, and compliance, Matt is a leading expert in helping businesses navigate the complexities of contractor engagement and workforce compliance.

  • Employment Rights Bill update: what employers of freelance, temporary and contingent workers need to know and prepare for
  • Understanding the current proposed changes to day-one rights, zero-hours and non-standard workforce arrangements
  • Understanding and overcoming significant challenges in the temporary labour market
  • ‘Self-employment’ – what does the definition actually mean?
    Where are the legal grey areas and how to ensure you avoid them
  • Determining responsibility within your organisation
  • Off-payroll: navigating the minefield
  • Supply chain essentials
  • Limiting HMRC fine risks

Talent procurement and retention 2025: key moves to stay ahead of the game

Tom Hadley

Tom Hadley

Business Coach & International Workforce Consultant
Hadleys Comment

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Tom Hadley

Business Coach & International Workforce Consultant , Hadleys Comment

Tom is an independent consultant and business coach specialising in high-impact strategic communication and workforce issues. Over the last twenty years, Tom has worked with global employers, international institutions, government ministers and two of the UK’s leading business organisations. He reaches into this to provide training and consultancy services in areas such employer brand, leadership, reputation management, research-led campaigning, employee engagement, public speaking and media training. Tom is the author of a number of White Papers and research reports on the evolving world of work and is a regular keynote speaker and media spokesperson. Campaigning activities have focused on Covid-19 business support measures, preparing for Brexit, promoting the positive role of business in society and making change happen on equality and inclusion. During his time as Campaigns Director at the REC, Tom also established the Future of Jobs Observatory to pre-empt future skills needs and the implications of AI adoption. His current work with the International Labour Organization (ILO) involves delivering advocacy training to business bodies from around the world and bespoke support in areas such as evidence-based advocacy and crisis management. Over the course of his career, Tom has been a representative on over a dozen government forums and served on the European board of the World Employment Confederation. He has a Masters in International and European Law from Assas University in Paris and is a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (RSA). He is a qualified rugby coach and an unrepentant aficionado of 1980s French pop.

  • Understanding where market dynamics are headed
  • Implementing a timely review: audit & changes
  • Smart solutions to access & engage contingent talent
  • Lobbying: make your voice heard

Morning coffee and networking

Recruitment update

Colin Morley

Colin Morley

Independent Consultant

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Colin Morley

Independent Consultant

Colin has 24 years of experience of delivering workforce solutions across the UK, Ireland, Europe and America. Colin has architected and delivered scalable services and products to private, non-for-profit and public sector organisations from delivery functions onshore, nearshore and offshore. Colin has a particular specialism in contingent workforce legislation and helping his clients to procure more sophisticated outcome based solutions.

  • Best practice on determinations
  • Dealing with long contractor engagements
  • Where should the responsibility lie?
  • Differences between SOW and Resource Augmentation

Panel debate: tackling the skills shortage: global contract and temporary workers update

Chris Bryce

Chris Bryce

Chief Executive

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Chris Bryce

Chief Executive , FCSA

Chris Bryce is Chief Executive of Freelancers & Contractors Services Association. Chris joined FCSA in January 2022 with an accomplished record of delivering excellence, growth, cultural change, and influence across a range of complex businesses and non-profits. His overall aim is to ensure all parties in the supply chain – especially workers served by FCSA members – can expect the highest levels of compliance, transparency, and reliability and to raise standards of compliance across the industry.

Sharon Marshall

Sharon Marshall

Head of Recruitment
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc

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Sharon Marshall

Head of Recruitment , Bloomsbury Publishing Plc

Seasoned Recruitment professional with end to end experience across several sectors, Sharon has been at Bloomsbury Publishing for four years and has been responsible for setting up the recruitment function for the UK & Ireland business. With recruitment being her ‘first love’, she is passionate about harnessing our internal talent. Sharon also has HR responsibility for the Freelancers that Bloomsbury engage with and is part of the project team currently working on streamlining the process to ensure compliance and consistency across the business.

Matt Tyler

Matt Tyler

IR35 Consultancy Manager

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Matt Tyler

IR35 Consultancy Manager , Kingsbridge

Matt has been dealing with IR35 for almost a decade. Having started his career at Qdos Contractor as a consultant and worked his way up to the position of Contract & Status Specialist, his training on the legislation is thorough and well-rounded. He then moved to Larsen Howie to head up the IR35 Consultancy Team. Matt is now IR35 consultancy manager at Kingsbridge. Matt has a firm understanding of the underpinning rules relating to IR35 and has a great deal of experience tackling the many and varied quirks that come with this rather murky legislation. From his hands-on approach to contract review quality control to the face-to-face IR35 training he delivers, he’s heard it all when it comes to the off-payroll rules. His meticulous attention to detail is instrumental to being able to understand and explain the legislation clearly, as well as be able to pick out the IR35 red flags from any given contract or set of working practices that lands on his desk. In his spare time, Matt’s an avid gamer (both PC and board), enjoys all things sci-fi and fantasy, and reads in great volume and breadth across all genres. As a trained electrician he’s handy to have around the house, and as a self-confessed computer nerd he’s handy to have around the office.

  • Essential issues to consider in the global hiring market: changes and future possibilities
  • What are the practical areas to concentrate on the remain compliant and competitive?
  • Competitive advantage through flexible hiring: key strategies for your hiring process

Umbrella companies update

Chris Bryce

Chris Bryce

Chief Executive

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Chris Bryce

Chief Executive , FCSA

Chris Bryce is Chief Executive of Freelancers & Contractors Services Association. Chris joined FCSA in January 2022 with an accomplished record of delivering excellence, growth, cultural change, and influence across a range of complex businesses and non-profits. His overall aim is to ensure all parties in the supply chain – especially workers served by FCSA members – can expect the highest levels of compliance, transparency, and reliability and to raise standards of compliance across the industry.

  • Current and future updates: timeline and checklist
  • Shaping placements inside and out: key steps
  • Umbrella companies update: are you compliant?
  • Blanket decisions – public and private sector considerations
  • Know your contracts: key questions
  • Understanding SDS
  • The roles and risks of umbrella companies

Private sector case study: Recommended steps to protect your organisations

Magdalena Szotek

Magdalena Szotek

Project Manager - Governance and Assurance
Southwark Council

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Magdalena Szotek

Project Manager - Governance and Assurance , Southwark Council

Magdalena Szotek is a seasoned HR Project Manager and Organisational Development Consultant with over a decade of experience in driving organisational success through a people-centric approach. With a robust background in project management, talent acquisition, and HR strategy, Magdalena has consistently demonstrated expertise in managing complex projects and leading organisational change.

  • Understanding the nature of the roles and impacts on contractors
  • Audits and recommendations: key areas to be aware of
  • Ensuring alignment with changes: keeping abreast of new developments
  • Tips and insights: making determinations on IR35 in the private sector

Lunch and peer networking

Join facilitated discussion groups on real-life case studies, sharing challenges, and innovative solutions

Making the most of your recruitment relationships: ensuring your practices and processes are IR35 compliant

Samantha Hurley

Samantha Hurley

Director, APSCo UK
Association of Professional Staffing Companies (APSCo)

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Samantha Hurley

Director, APSCo UK , Association of Professional Staffing Companies (APSCo)

Samantha is the Operations & Member Services Director at APSCo, the professional body representing the interests of recruitment companies that place professionals. She is responsible for all UK member services and engagement.

  • Understanding IR35: implications for hiring practices and contractor management
  • Establishing robust communication channels with recruitment partners to establish strategic feedback and corporate-specific concerns
  • Collaborative identification and management of IR35-related risks to ensure compliance
  • Current recruitment challenges and potential solutions

Case study: Minimising risk and addressing the skills gap in the public sector

Paul Ewing

Paul Ewing

HR Systems Expert
Croydon Council

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Paul Ewing

HR Systems Expert , Croydon Council

Paul Ewing is a seasoned HR systems manager based in London, with over a decade of experience in HR resourcing, systems, workforce data, and change management. He has successfully procured and implemented various solutions for managing temporary workers, including for outside IR35 engagements. Additionally, he has conducted process reviews, audits, and lessons learned on past IR35 implementations.

  • Reviewing internal processes to identify possible vulnerabilities
  • What are the skills you need and how best to resource them?
  • Essential contract questions: where might you come unstuck?
  • Managing the supply chain to manage risk
  • Third party and provider relationships: where can they add value and how to choose a partner

Afternoon tea and networking

Feedback from lunchtime peer-led learning

Ensuring IR35/off payroll compliance: a comprehensive checklist for employers

Dave Chaplin

Dave Chaplin

IR35 Shield

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Dave Chaplin

CEO , IR35 Shield

Dave Chaplin is the CEO of tax compliance firm IR35 Shield which enables firms, agencies and contractors to remain compliant with the Intermediaries Legislation (IR35) and Off-payroll legislation. Dave is the author of the Contractors’ Handbook Third Edition and more recently IR35 & Off-Payroll – explained. He assists with IR35 tax tribunals, has consulted on many occasions for HMRC, advises politicians and Government bodies on freelance tax matters, and is prolifically quoted in the trade and national press. In November 2020, Dave was included in the Staffing Industry Analysts (SIA)’ list of Europe’s 100 most influential leaders in the staffing industry.

  • Protecting your firm
  • Case law overview / PGMOL judgment
  • Guidance versus the law
  • HMRC Compliance Checks
  • How to strengthen IR35 compliance
  • Best practice

Wrap up and end of conference


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