Recognising & Supporting Menopause in the Workplace Conference
Menopausal women are one of the fastest growing workforce groups in the UK however the issue is still being treated as a workforce taboo by some and in general has not been satisfactorily recognised and supported by employers. The MP Rachel Maclean is predicting; “It will become as unacceptable to not have a menopause policy as an employer as it is to not have a diversity and inclusion culture”, yet few companies have menopause-specific health and wellbeing policies in place.
Registration fee: £395 plus VAT per delegate
Why attend this conference?
A vast majority of the 4.4 million over 50 women will go through menopause during their working lives. Recognising and supporting menopause is vital and positions your organisation as an inclusive employer of choice to a crucial demographic. It will help improve productivity and engagement, lower absence levels, reduce recruitment costs and avoid any legal action.
- Workplace discrimination based on gender or age is illegal under the Equality Act
- Several companies have faced tribunals and lost, being ordered to pay substantial amounts
- Replacing a woman who has left work due to menopausal symptoms can cost an average of £30 000
- Corporate Social Responsibility: ensure your midlife female employees can work as long as they choose with the highest possible quality or working life
- CIPD revealed that 30% of the working menopausal women they surveyed had taken sick leave, yet only a quarter of these told their boss the real reason for their absence
- 65% said their ability to concentrate was affected
- 58% experienced greater stress
- 52% became impatient with clients and colleagues due to menopause
Part of a long-established BFI portfolio of workplace occupational health training.
Please note: If you have a topic to suggest or might like to speak at, endorse, or sponsor the event, please see how to get involved here.
Which functions will benefit from attending
- HR, Diversity & Inclusion, Recruitment & Resourcing, Policy & Strategy , Operations, Line Management, Legal, Talent, Equality, Policy, Organisational Development, Employer Branding, Engagement, Employee Relations, People Development, Learning and Development, Improvement and Quality
Hear from

Coffee and registration
Chair's welcome and opening remarks

Olivia Campbell
Occupational Health Specialist , HCA Healthcare UK
Olivia has been qualified in occupational health nursing for over 30 years, and has worked in a variety of roles, including in-house, client, and service provider; and has overseen outsourcing and first generation implementation of contracted occupational health services.

Kathy Abernethy
Director of Menopause Services , Peppy
Kathy Abernethy has extensive clinical experience working with women at and after menopause. She co-leads a busy NHS menopause clinic in London, has a private clinic in South West London and is Director of menopause services at Peppy, offering one to one menopause support to women, individually and through employee packages. Kathy has authored a book for nurses on Menopause and HRT as well as numerous articles for women themselves, featuring in Woman and Home, Yours, Women’s Weekly, on Woman’s Hour and others. Kathy raises awareness of the impact of menopause at work by delivering workplace sessions to staff and managers. As Chairman of the Society, she contributed to the British Menopause Society handbook on menopause management and is a registered BMS Specialist. She has written her own book for women: “Menopause: The One Stop Guide” which is Highly Commended in the BMA Book Awards 2019 and for nurses, runs educational events relating to menopause. With Peppy, Kathy leads a team of menopause practitioners to offer one to one personalised menopause support through the support of employers.

Haitham Hamoda
Chair , British Menopause Society
Mr Haitham Hamoda is a Consultant Gynaecologist and subspecialist in reproductive medicine and surgery. He is the Clinical Lead for the Menopause Service at King's College Hospital. London and Chair of the British Menopause Society. Mr Hamoda has published widely in his specialised field. He is co-author of the British Menopause Society Guidelines 2016 on the management of the menopause and author of the British Menopause Society Guideline on the Management of women with Premature Ovarian Insufficiency. In addition, he is actively involved in ongoing research projects both locally and nationally and teaches at an undergraduate and postgraduate level. His areas of clinical expertise include menopause and premature ovarian insufficiency, infertility, gynaecological endocrinology including polycystic ovary syndrome, management of fibroids and endometriosis and minimal access surgery. Mr Hamoda qualified in 1994 and is a Fellow of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. He was awarded a degree of Doctor of Medicine (MD) from the University of Aberdeen.

Jenny Arrowsmith
Partner, Employment Law , Irwin Mitchell LLP
Jenny is a Partner (Employment law) at national law firm, Irwin Mitchell LLP. She has extensive experience of advising employers of all sizes and in many sectors on all areas of employment law. She has a particular interest in discrimination issues and has been working with clients and leading training sessions on a number of tricky issues arising from mental health and how modern day working practices are influencing changes in the way we work such as agile and flexible working. She successfully defended the company in Ali v Capita which went to the Court of Appeal this year - one of the cases to watch of 2019 due to its public policy issues. The case related to alleged sex discrimination where men received statutory rates for shared parental leave whilst women benefitted from enhanced maternity leave). She was nominated as the “Lawyer of the Week” by the Times Newspaper for her work in this case in June.
- Understanding menopause in the legal context
- Meeting your legal requirements to support menopausal staff
- Writing and implementing a menopause-specific policy
- How do you ensure it is implemented and understood company-wide?
Morning coffee and networking

Dr Claire Hardy
Lecturer in Organisational Health and Wellbeing , Lancaster University
Dr Claire Hardy is a Chartered Occupational Psychologist and Academic Lecturer at Lancaster University. Claire previously worked at King’s College London where her research began into the menopause at the start of 2015. She is now considered one of the world’s experts on menopause in the workplace and her research into the field has been awarded by the British Psychological Society’s Division in Occupational Psychology. Claire is frequently invited to give talks and run training events with organisations and shares her expertise to key bodies and government. Claire presents her work at national and international conferences as is also widely published in academic journals. Claire will be sharing some of her research findings at the event.
- What could help in terms of the physical and psycho-social work environment changes and adjustments
- Guidance documentation – what could be included
- Communication and talking about menopause at work
- Evidence-based interventions: Self-help for women and line manager training
- Workplace culture

Olivia Campbell
Occupational Health Specialist , HCA Healthcare UK
Olivia has been qualified in occupational health nursing for over 30 years, and has worked in a variety of roles, including in-house, client, and service provider; and has overseen outsourcing and first generation implementation of contracted occupational health services.
- The impact of menopause on the body: sleep, diet, symptom management
- Helping strategies
- Work place adaptions
- When OH referrals might help
- Myths and misconceptions
Lunch and networking

Jacqui McBurnie
Senior Programme Manager , NHS
Jacqui is an experienced healthcare manager and registered nurse with over 25 years working in a variety of operational and management roles within the NHS. Alongside registered nurse status and having practiced as a nurse practitioner, Jacqui holds an MBA. Jacqui has a broad experience, having taken roles across commissioning, clinical standards management, operational management and programme management at regional and national levels. As the founder and Chair of the NHS England/Improvement Menopause Group and a member of the Cross Govt Menopause Steering Group, Jacqui is passionate about changing culture. Jacqui has established an active and energetic menopause group, learning events and recently established menopause ambassadors to increase the support offer for colleagues across the organisation.

Marina Bolton
HR Director , Civil Service
Marina is an experienced Organisation Development and Design practitioner with over 38 years working in a variety of operational, corporate and strategy roles within the Civil Service. As a founder of the Civil Service Organisation Design & Development Expert Service, Marina has expertise in a wide range of organisation design and development methodologies including transformational change, organisation design, action research, systemic intervention, large-scale engagement methodologies, senior team and board development, group process consultation and culture and behaviour change. Marina has a Master of Science Degree in People and Organisational Development and is a member of the Institute of Personnel and Development and a Fellow of The RSA (Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce). Marina is also a graduate of the National Training Laboratories for Applied Behavioural Science [NTL] and is studying for a Doctorate in Organisation Change, the theme of which is ‘Compassion’ Marina has recently become a menopause champion in the UK Civil Service and speaks openly about her personal experience. Her intent being, to influence policy makers to take both menstruation and menopause into account when considering health and well-being in the workplace.
- Why is the issue relevant and key to our organisation?
- Understanding the issues and communicating them internally and externally
- Practical workplace solutions: what to implement and why

Olivia Campbell
Occupational Health Specialist , HCA Healthcare UK
Olivia has been qualified in occupational health nursing for over 30 years, and has worked in a variety of roles, including in-house, client, and service provider; and has overseen outsourcing and first generation implementation of contracted occupational health services.

Dr Claire Hardy
Lecturer in Organisational Health and Wellbeing , Lancaster University
Dr Claire Hardy is a Chartered Occupational Psychologist and Academic Lecturer at Lancaster University. Claire previously worked at King’s College London where her research began into the menopause at the start of 2015. She is now considered one of the world’s experts on menopause in the workplace and her research into the field has been awarded by the British Psychological Society’s Division in Occupational Psychology. Claire is frequently invited to give talks and run training events with organisations and shares her expertise to key bodies and government. Claire presents her work at national and international conferences as is also widely published in academic journals. Claire will be sharing some of her research findings at the event.

Wendy McGuinness
Responsible Business and Inclusion Specialist , Lloyds Banking Group
Wendy has been with Lloyds Banking Group since 1983 and in her current role since November 2013. She is responsible for Responsible Business and Inclusion capability uplift and development across the organisation. Her main focus is in equipping leaders across the Group to create a meritocratic culture where every single individual is valued, respected and feels confident in bringing their true selves to work.

Marina Bolton
HR Director , Civil Service
Marina is an experienced Organisation Development and Design practitioner with over 38 years working in a variety of operational, corporate and strategy roles within the Civil Service. As a founder of the Civil Service Organisation Design & Development Expert Service, Marina has expertise in a wide range of organisation design and development methodologies including transformational change, organisation design, action research, systemic intervention, large-scale engagement methodologies, senior team and board development, group process consultation and culture and behaviour change. Marina has a Master of Science Degree in People and Organisational Development and is a member of the Institute of Personnel and Development and a Fellow of The RSA (Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce). Marina is also a graduate of the National Training Laboratories for Applied Behavioural Science [NTL] and is studying for a Doctorate in Organisation Change, the theme of which is ‘Compassion’ Marina has recently become a menopause champion in the UK Civil Service and speaks openly about her personal experience. Her intent being, to influence policy makers to take both menstruation and menopause into account when considering health and well-being in the workplace.
Afternoon tea and networking

Elizabeth Harris
Hypnotherapist , Elizabeth Harris Hypnotherapy
Elizabeth has been practicing clinical hypnotherapy since 2012 and her clients have benefited from her empathetic approach to their individual treatment. Whilst she specialises in methods to reduce stress and anxiety she sees a wide range of clients at her rural practice in Buckinghamshire. As well as seeing individual clients she has also taken her hypnotherapy skills to the work environment with a range of alternative therapy workshops that help individuals manage stress, develop personal goal setting methods and generate a sense of calm in the day to day chaos of our work. Elizabeth will be talking about how hypnotherapy can be used effectively to deal with physical symptoms of the menopause such as hot sweats, difficulties sleeping, mood swings, as well as the hugely important, and personal, emotional impact. Because hypnotherapy works with the problems, goals and ambitions of each client it is a person centred approach to an alternative therapy that can significantly reduce the emotional and physical effects of the menopause.

Wendy McGuinness
Responsible Business and Inclusion Specialist , Lloyds Banking Group
Wendy has been with Lloyds Banking Group since 1983 and in her current role since November 2013. She is responsible for Responsible Business and Inclusion capability uplift and development across the organisation. Her main focus is in equipping leaders across the Group to create a meritocratic culture where every single individual is valued, respected and feels confident in bringing their true selves to work.
- How we started, including government involvement
- Initial national event
- Build on regional and national events – face to face, drop in centres, webinars, internal ‘Facebook’ group
- Mix of what we do for women themselves, also line managers, wider teams etc.
- Support from senior execs and our unions
Wrap up and questions
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