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Katherine Chapman, Director - Living Wage Foundation 

Katherine joined the Living Wage Foundation as Director in March 2016. The Living Wage Foundation oversees the Living Wage movement in the UK and accredits employers who pay all direct staff and regular contractors the real Living Wage. Since Katherine joined, the number of Living Wage employers in the UK has grown to 10,000 including 50% of the FTSE 100 and thousands of small firms.  The Foundation has also launched a new benchmark Living Hours and is developing a Living Pension.

Before joining the Foundation, Katherine was Assistant Director at the UK Commission for Employment and Skills, a public body providing leadership on employment and skills issues in the UK working with industry leaders and policy makers on strategies to boost productivity, wages and social mobility.

Previously Katherine was Head of Education and Skills at Policy Connect bringing together business leaders, public bodies and parliamentarians on a range of issues including the gender skills gaps, careers advice and Apprenticeships.

Katherine is a trustee of the Good Business Charter in the UK and a Commissioner for the Business Commission to Tackle Inequality for the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD).

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