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Founder of AI Capability Ltd - Tess Hilson-Green

Tess Hilson-Greener stands out as a leading voice and active thought leader in the evolving domains of HR, workforce development, and leadership. At the helm of AI Capability Ltd, Tess not only explores but actively shapes the future of HR through the strategic integration of artificial intelligence. Her initiatives significantly enhance how AI is leveraged to optimise human resource functions and leadership strategies within global organisations with psychological insights.

Tess is deeply committed to developing the next generation of HR leaders by creating clear career paths for AI professionals within the industry. By offering robust training programmes and mentorship opportunities, she ensures that aspiring professionals are well-equipped to manage and innovate at the intersection of AI and human resources. This focus not only prepares individuals for future challenges but also ensures that organisations are more adaptive, efficient, and ready to harness the full potential of AI technologies.

Under her guidance, AI Capability Ltd has become a beacon for ethical AI implementation, demonstrating how advanced technologies can be used to enhance employee engagement, streamline operations, and foster a culture of continuous learning and inclusivity. Tess’s work exemplifies how strategic thought leadership can profoundly impact both the present and future landscapes of HR and organisational development.

Tess is fully committed to the ethical AI deployment in HR, emphasising the importance of human oversight to mitigate risks associated with AI, such as bias and privacy concerns. She advocates for AI to support rather than replace people in their roles.

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