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Menopause - a C-suite issue

How many women are at the top table in the UK? 33%. Better than Saudi Arabia, worse than France and Norway. And with an average age of 56.8 years, it’s fair to say that 100% of them are either perimenopausal or menopausal.

So why isn’t workplace menopause policy and support being implemented (forgive the pun) across the board?

One possible reason may be that 25% of all women experience few or no menopausal symptoms. This lucky segment body swerve the anxiety, depression, itchy skin, flooding, weight gain, insomnia, loss of libido and a whole range of delightful issues that present themselves, often in such a random fashion, that many women have absolutely no idea they are perimenopausal and think instead they are going mad.

"It was so great just to talk about the menopause - great that men were there too. Thank you very much, made me feel a little less bonkers!" 

It's doubtful. I think, having been involved in training in this area for many years, the truth is more basic. This generation entered a workplace where sexism was rife; where women were expected to behave like men, and to discuss female issues like periods and childcare was seen as a dreadful weakness.

So the idea of asking for understanding in the workplace is probably anathema to this tough bunch. If they’ve managed to get to board level chances are they have had childcare and support at home that many of us can only dream of. Or not had children at all.

I have heard from many senior executives recently on the subject and an overriding message is: we didn’t get any help, I’m not sure why this is an issue.

Women are leaving the workplace in droves 

It’s an issue because we are currently facing the worst recruitment crisis on record and the recent survey by the Fawcett Society that showed one in ten women were thinking of leaving the workforce due to the symptoms and lack of support. 

"I was absolutely dreading this course and ended up with a real understanding of what my menopausal colleagues are facing. I appreciate the practical techniques as well as the inclusive and warm approach" - BFI Delegate

Overlooking the needs of middle-aged women in the workplace risks alienating a demographic that have experience, know their jobs, have a proven work ethic and track record and, most importantly, are showing they are not afraid to vote with their feet. I hear many women’s stories in our menopause workplace training courses and it’s interesting to hear how many have left previous jobs because they felt unsupported but didn’t cite is at exit interviews.

“I was sitting crying in front of my manager and feeling the blood seep through my clothes and I could tell he didn’t have a clue what to do and ended the conversation right there. I went home and wrote my resignation.” - BFI Delegate

75% of employers do not have a menopause policy in place 

A well-discussed and accessible menopause policy removes the need for male managers to feel out of their depth and for other employees to feel the framework gives unfair rights to menopausal women.

But until this is on the table for the board, companies risk losing a pretty irreplaceable group of employees.

Get involved! 

Let us know if your organisation is supportive of menopausal employees – we’d love to hear some success stories too. Or come along to one of our free menopause events designed to facilitate open conversations and :

Menopause in the workplace training for your teams 

These thoroughly-researched programmes give your organisation the tools and legal framework to formulate your own policy and help facilitate open conversations around menopause in the workplace.